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3月22日晚,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂以视频方式会见出席中国发展高层论坛2021年年会的境外代表。西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官博乐仁(Roland Busch)应邀参加会见。






Dear customers and partners,


Here are my key learnings from this extraordinary past year:


- New technologies and digitalization will boost the development of our economies

- 新技术和数字化浪潮将促进我们的经济发展;

- Teamwork and collaboration helped us to manage during the crisis and this is something we will increase in the future

- 通过团队协作,我们得以有效防控疫情,而这正是我们未来需要继续发扬的团结精神;

- The empowerment of our people made us much faster and better and it will be core going forward

- 我们赋能员工,提升了应变速度和能力,并将在前行路上继续坚持这一方向。

As economies around the world went into lockdown, our colleagues worked even closer with our customers to keep the critical systems that we rely on up and running: healthcare systems, manufacturing and supply chains, infrastructure and buildings, transport systems.


We leveraged technologies to get through the crisis and we innovated even faster.

When hospitals urgently needed ventilators and other medical equipment, we supported our partners in a collaborative effort to ramp up production with our technologies and by opening up our 3D printing network.


To keep staff on site safe, our colleagues in China, together with our local partner Aucma, developed an intelligent disinfectant robot in just a single week!


This achievement reminded me of my time in China, where I experienced one of the greatest strengths of our Chinese colleagues on a daily basis: rapidly developing solutions to tackle problems, instead of waiting to find the “optimal” solution, the willingness to correct things that didn’t work so well and do it all over again, with incredible speed.


In Europe, we used our technologies


- to remotely run our manufacturing sites with almost no people on site

- 无需现场值守人员,就能远程操作,使工厂保持运行;

- to remotely service our products and systems, with our AI-based IoT-applications

- 通过基于人工智能的物联网应用程序,对我们的产品和系统进行远程服务;

- to run acceptance tests with customers who watched them from the comfort of their home using virtual reality headsets.

- 为客户进行验收测试。客户只需通过虚拟现实头戴设备,便可在家中远程观看测试过程。

Together with our partner Salesforce we developed an IoT-solution to enable a safe return to the workplace. And there are other stories to be told about the amazing things that our Siemens colleagues did in China and around the world, in an even closer collaboration with customers and partners!


Technology can help companies to become more innovative and resilient in the uncertain times ahead. And at the same time, tackle the most pressing challenges of our time, achieving more with less!


By combining the real and the digital worlds, we can empower customers to transform their industries: to build more agile factories, more intelligent infrastructure, cleaner transport, and a better healthcare. And by doing this, we are helping to transform the everyday for billions of people.


The way China has managed the crisis is outstanding, and the Chinese economy has recovered faster than any other country in the world!


When it comes to the digital transformation of markets, I am sure that our learnings from around the globe can be applied in and further advanced by China. And that China’s experience will also benefit other markets.


Over the past decade, technology development has led to rapid economic growth, lifting millions of people out of poverty, particularly in China.


The 14th Five-Year Plan will increase prosperity and help create a more sustainable future by putting emphasis on digitalization and sustainable technologies.


This year has shown us that through innovation we can overcome challenges and that working together with partners makes us stronger.


Siemens has enjoyed a long partnership with China that goes back over 150 years.

Today, our commitment to China is stronger than ever. We have over 20 R&D hubs and our digital factory in Chengdu is one of the most advanced Industry 4.0 plants in the world. We are proud of our shared history and we stand ready to contribute to our joint future.


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